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Mortgage Payoff Goal Calculator

Product ID #: 63 Release #: 1.0
Question: How much would I need to add to my monthly mortgage payment in order to pay off my mortgage at an earlier specified time?
Mortgage Payoff Goal Calculator
This calculator will show you the additional monthly payment you will need to make on your current mortgage in order to pay it off within a specified number of years. It will also show you how much interest you will save if you make the calculated additional payment each month, from now until your mortgage is paid off.

Note: When entering your current monthly mortgage payment amount, be sure to enter only the principal and interest portion of your payment.

Enter the principal balance owed:
Enter the annual interest rate:
Enter the current monthly payment amount (principal & interest portion only):
Number of years you would like to pay off your mortgage in:
Additional monthly payment required:
Interest savings:
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