
Photo Magic: 4. Framing images

The buttonize effect can also be used to frame an image.

Image 1: 'Unbuttonized'
Image 2: 'Buttonized'

1. Select the entire image (Image 1).

2. Open the Buttonize dialog, select Effects/Buttonize from the menu.

3. Make sure Auto-set is checked. This will automatically set the bottom-right bevel color when you select the upper-left (or set the upper-left color when you set the bottom-right).

4. Click on the bottom-right color selector to define the colors for the bevels. In this example we used Red=95, Green=52, Blue=33.

5. Set size, opacity, and brightness. We used size=30 (maximum), opacity=50, and brightness=50.

6. Click OK. The end result should be similar to Image 2.