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Due Date Calculator

Use the Due Date Calculator to determine the likely due date of your baby. Keep in mind that only 6% of babies are actually born on their due date. The Due Date Calculator shows the likely conception date, the end of the first and the second trimester dates - and of course the due date.

Due Date Calculator

When was the first day of your last menstrual period?

Number of days in your menstrual cycle
Likely conception date:
End of first trimester (12 weeks):
End of second trimester (27 weeks):
Your due date (40 weeks):
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How to use the Due Date Calculator

Enter the date of your last menstrual period and the number of days in your menstrual cycle into the Due Date calculator, and click on the Calculate button.

On average, there are 28 days in a menstrual cycle, but it can last from as little as 22 to as many as 44 days.

Check it out...

Ovulation calculator

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Want to use this calculator on your site?

The non-exclusive license to use this calculator on ALL of your websites is just $29.95.
for the payment details and we'll prepare the script and a sample page for you to use.

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Want to design your own calculators?

Create your own calculators effortlessly and in no time with JavaScript Editor. It is a versatile tool which can handle anything from coding tiny tools to designing entire sites like stock trading software.

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